Nista, posto nas je Marsa juce ucio sta je Zouk, Zouk Beton i Zouk BASS i zaista mu punoo hvala na tome , danas opet malo ja da vas davim. Uglavnom, kada god krene neka nova muzicka pomama i kad se gomila ljudi sveta popale na nesto i nas zahvati slicna groznica vrlo cesto. Ali, ja sam u fazonu da se nista ne uci za dan pa sam malo snjufao po netu da bih saznao kako i sta, da ne ispadnem glup ako me razumete. Ovo je ipak javni sajt i ne valja lupati nesto pa posle bidne ovo, ono...Uglavnom, ono sto mi je bilo najzabavnije je da je gospodin UMB sa Generation Bass bloga radio apsolutno istu stvar i kao sto saznah napisao jedan simpatican post o tome sta je Zouk, sta je Zouk Bass ali i sta je Kizomba, sta Semba a na kraju sta je i Tarraxinha koja je najbliza tom misticnom Zouk Bass-u o kome se toliko prica ovih dana. Sve ove reci koje niste skontali su u stvari razni podzanrovi jednog, nama nepoznatog ali ne bas novog zvuka sa cuvene relacije LISBOA_ANGOLA. Relacije cuvene najvise po Kuduro zvuku, jos jednom zanru koji je pre par godina eksplodirao zahvaljujuci promociji MIA i njoj slicnih. Danas se otprilike desava ista stvar i ja kao i obicno zelim biti jedan od prvih obavestenih i naucenih ali ne volim bas da ucim od UMB-a i njemu slicnih. Nemojte me shvatiti pogresno, svasta sam ja naucio sa Generatio Bass-a ali UMB je ipak cesto i kriv za razne pogresne informacije kada su bas neki hard core nepoznati globalni geto pravci u pitanju. Vise volim da trazim informacije i nove stvari kada je Afrika u pitanju na Akwaaba Music izdavackoj kuci i blogu. Oni su ipak malo manje pratioci trendova a malo vise ozbiljni novinari i ako zelite upoznati novi zvuk crnog kontinenta, oni su pravi ljudi za vas. Nista, odem tamo kad imam i sta da vidim. Valjda pomalo i isprovocirani ovom novom pomamom oni izbacise svoju pricu o Tarraxinha kako se navodno Zouk Bass originalno naziva. Da li je i to istina, ja ne znam, znam samo da su uz pricu izbacili i potpuno besplatnu kompilaciju Keep Calm and Listen to Tarraxinha koju je skupio i sastavio DJ Marfox iz Lisabona koji je jedan od pionira te scene. 19 odabranih unknown klasika koji bi trebali otprilike da vam pojasne neke stvari za ovaj zanr koji preti da bude novi Moombahton and such....To slusamo veceras i ucimo sta je to ali prvo procitajte promo tekst koji prati kompilaciju da bi bolje skontali celu price. Eto, prica, omot a na kraju cela kompilacija na soundcloud-u sa linkovima za skidanje. Uzivajte pa se gledamo snije, aj zdravo....
I'm so excited... OBRIGADO DJ Marfox, for putting together a much needed compilation of some of the best tarraxinhas to come out of Luanda and Lisbon. The story is about to drop for Fader, so for now, since this is Akwaaba turf, let's just talk crap: forget about zouk bass and thank Marfox thoroughly for showing us the light. Tarraxinha does not require moombah type basslines, it's not music to move your body erratically to, it's not music to increase your number of followers on soundcloud. NO. It's music to loosen up your partner before hitting the sack. Zouk bass? Was invented under a different name - tarraxinha - over a decade ago by proper geniuses such as DJ Znobia.
Most of the classics compiled by Marfox were produced in the mid 2000s, in both Lisbon and Luanda. Tarraxinha stemmed from kizomba, which is a slowed down version of semba, the quintessential Angolan genre. As it turns out, slowed down semba, aka kizomba, sounds quite similar to zouk (OK it's more complicated than that, zouk influenced Angolan music and helped shape kizomba). Now tarraxinhas are slowed down kizomba, with much more minimal, often times less melodic production. Or you could say tarraxinha is kind of like zouk without the cheesy R&B vocals. Yet the major difference between tarraxinha and kizomba/zouk is not so much musical, but rather how they are danced. The way to dance tarraxinha is way sleazier than kizomba, which is still proper ballroom dancing. Tarraxar is more about grinding pelvises and offending older people. So when tarraxinhas came up, they got noticed, but for reasons we do not know, after a peak around 2006, tarraxinha production dwindled.
Thanks again to DJ Marfox for shedding light on a genre that remains difficult to know about, because it has not really entered the soundcloud/internet world. Many of the songs on here are 128s, and chances are a better version of the songs never existed, so enjoy them as is: these sound exactly how they are supposed to. If you don't think so, just look for a partner and see what happens.
I'm so excited... OBRIGADO DJ Marfox, for putting together a much needed compilation of some of the best tarraxinhas to come out of Luanda and Lisbon. The story is about to drop for Fader, so for now, since this is Akwaaba turf, let's just talk crap: forget about zouk bass and thank Marfox thoroughly for showing us the light. Tarraxinha does not require moombah type basslines, it's not music to move your body erratically to, it's not music to increase your number of followers on soundcloud. NO. It's music to loosen up your partner before hitting the sack. Zouk bass? Was invented under a different name - tarraxinha - over a decade ago by proper geniuses such as DJ Znobia.
Most of the classics compiled by Marfox were produced in the mid 2000s, in both Lisbon and Luanda. Tarraxinha stemmed from kizomba, which is a slowed down version of semba, the quintessential Angolan genre. As it turns out, slowed down semba, aka kizomba, sounds quite similar to zouk (OK it's more complicated than that, zouk influenced Angolan music and helped shape kizomba). Now tarraxinhas are slowed down kizomba, with much more minimal, often times less melodic production. Or you could say tarraxinha is kind of like zouk without the cheesy R&B vocals. Yet the major difference between tarraxinha and kizomba/zouk is not so much musical, but rather how they are danced. The way to dance tarraxinha is way sleazier than kizomba, which is still proper ballroom dancing. Tarraxar is more about grinding pelvises and offending older people. So when tarraxinhas came up, they got noticed, but for reasons we do not know, after a peak around 2006, tarraxinha production dwindled.
Thanks again to DJ Marfox for shedding light on a genre that remains difficult to know about, because it has not really entered the soundcloud/internet world. Many of the songs on here are 128s, and chances are a better version of the songs never existed, so enjoy them as is: these sound exactly how they are supposed to. If you don't think so, just look for a partner and see what happens.
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